Easy and Quick Steps for Credit Repair (part 2 of 2)
2. Try to be aware of what is written on your credit report. If you are not yet insolvent, or something near that, you should refrain from getting free annual credit reports. Some experts believe that these free reports are tied to a technicality that increases time for reinvestigation when there is a dispute. Thus from thirty days, it shall become forty days.
3. You need to raise your credit score. With an increased credit score, the repair process can be accelerated. You may increase your credit score by cutting down your existing balances and debts.
4. Make sure that your credit reports do not have inaccurate information. These mistakes may hold back your ability to get credit. Be vigilant of these details, some debt collectors may use this dirty tactic against you. Once you have seen inaccuracies, you should report them to the bureau in writing. If the mistake was committed by the furnisher, then you should inform him because it is his duty to correct such mistakes. However, if such errors were made by collectors, then a report against them should really be submitted.
5. You may also try to dispute entries made by credit bureaus because old debts are not worth verifying anymore. However, if you try this kind of defense, you should not rely on dispute letters found in the internet. It would be better if you write your own letter. This may show how legitimate your claim is.
6. Lastly, you should not dispute your open accounts for these may help you build a good credit history. Just make sure that you pay them on time.